The 1968 Olympic Games

Event activity : Konferenz/Vortrag
Gruppen und Klassen:
  • Gruppen
  • Nur Gruppen

The 10th Winter Olympics were held in Grenoble in February 1968 and tranformed the city into a modern metropolis.

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They were also particularly innovative (First mascot, drug and gender tests, etc...). Relive the games through stories and anecdotes that marked the event (JC Killy's third medal, the Schinegger case, the St Nizier miracle...).


Prices: 135€ per tourist guide, during the week.
Lenght: 1:30.
Visits in French
Indicative price, consult our sales department for further information.


Ganzjährig, täglich.

Ausrüstung und Eigenschaften

  • Abgelehnte Tiere

Ebenfalls sehenswert
